Collagen supplements are safe to take; they play an important role in enhancing healthy connective tissues, which are part of the structural component in the human body. Collagen supplements are in the form of oral tablets, injectable forms and topical forms.
Collagen is the fibrous scleroprotein in cartilage, muscles, blood vessels, skin, bones, digestive system, tendon and other connective tissues.
Collagen among the proteins is the most abundant in the human body, particularly the type 1 collagen. It gives the skin elasticity and strength; it also helps in replacing the dead cells on the skin.
Collagen acts as a ‘glue’ and assists in holding together the tendons and the joints.
The production of collagen in the human body decreases with age, resulting to sagging skins, wrinkles and pains on the joints.
There are other lifestyle factors that cause production of Collagen such as taking a diet with high levels of sugar, excessive exposure to sunlight and smoking.
Research has shown that collagen related health conditions are linked to low intake in diet rich in collagen, genetic factors, digestive problems and nutritional deficiencies.
There are as many as sixteen types of collagen, naming from types 1,2,3,5 and 10 among others. In most cases, there are collagens of type 1, 2 and 3, with type 1 collagen taking the lead with over 90% in the human body.
Type 1 collagen is made of eosinophilic fibers, which are parts of the human body, including organs, dermis (skin), tendons and ligaments.
Value to the Human Body / Benefits
Collagen has a moderate absorbability, and takes place in the digestive system, oral collagen according to a study conducted by Kyoto Prefectural University in Japan indicated that collagen is absorbed into the bloodstream, and then travels to the skin and takes shape in improving the skin among other functions in various parts of the body.
Collagen supplements are generally considered safe, with the inclusion of oral collagen and other forms of collagen administered as ointments and creams. Collagen injections are safe but highly regulated by the health authorities; they should be administered by registered medical practitioners, considering that some people are prone to immune disorders that could result to reactions.