Vitamin_B6 / Pyridoxine C 8 H 11 NO 3


Vitamin B6 is essential in normal development of the brain, it is also used in keeping the immune system and the nervous system healthy. In most cases, deficiency of the vitamin B is coupled with deficiency in other Vitamin B vitamins such as vitamin B9 / folate and vitamin B12.

Benefits of Vitamin B6 supplements

  • Vitamin B6 is also used in managing heart conditions
  • Minimizing blood levels of homocysteine
  • Maintains healthy metabolism
  • Reducing cholesterol in the blood and help in unclogging the arteries, a condition referred to as angioplasty.
  • Vitamin B6 is also used in managing PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) and other problems related to menstruation
  • Vitamin B6 used in managing morning sickness in early pregnancy, a condition associated with vomiting and nausea
  • Vitamin B6 used in stopping flow of mil after childbirth and in managing problems associated with menopause.
  • Vitamin B6 is also used in managing pregnancy related depression and problems associated with birth control pills.
  • Vitamin B6 also enhances nerve functioning, liver functioning, eye health and boosting energy.

Vitamin B6 allows the human body store energy and use energy from the carbohydrates and proteins, and it is useful in the enhancing the best quality of haemoglobin in the blood. Vitamin B6 is soluble in the water and contains six forms that are separate, and used in metabolism. Vitamin B6 is readily available from the diets, such as beans, cereals, liver, vegetables, eggs and meat.

Vitamin B6 supplements are used where the human body cannot get enough of the vitamins from the diet for various reasons. Lack of enough Vitamin B6 may result in anemia due to low levels of haemoglobin.

Vitamin B6 is also used in managing heart conditions, minimizing blood levels of homocysteine, reducing cholesterol in the blood and help in unclogging the arteries, a condition referred to as angioplasty.

Vitamin B6 is also used in managing PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) and other problems related to menstruation. It is also used in managing morning sickness in early pregnancy, a condition associated with vomiting and nausea; it is also used in stopping flow of mil after childbirth and in managing problems associated with menopause. Vitamin B6 is also used in managing pregnancy related depression and problems associated with birth control pills.

Vitamin B6 is also used in managing Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD (Attention Deficit- Hyperactivity disorder), Autism, down syndrome, pains related to nerves, diabetes, sickle cell anemia, asthma, migraine headaches, night cramps on the legs, carpal tunnel syndrome, cramps on the muscles, allergies, arthritis, acne, skin conditions and infertility problems. Vitamin B6 is also used in managing motion sickness, dizziness, AMD (Age related macular degeneration), seizures, movement disorders and convulsions. It is also used in adding appetite and in improving the memory. The movement disorders are associated with chorea, tardive dyskinesia and hyperkinesis.

Vitamin B6 is also used in boosting the immune system, managing bladder infections, addressing eye infections, kidney stones and in preventing cancer related conditions. It is also used in managing radiation side effects.

Vitamin B6 is commonly used in togetherness with other vitamin B complex.

Value to the human body

Vitamin B6 is known to produce haemin, which an essential component for the haemoglobin, it is a condition that allows red blood cells transport oxygen in the human body. Vitamin B6 regulates digestion, fluid balance and metabolism. Vitamin B6 is also necessary in generating enzymes necessary for neurotransmitters in the nervous system.

Deficiency in Vitamin B6 results in

  • Nervousness
  • Irritation
  • Confusion
  • Inflammation of the tongue
  • Ulcers in the mouth
  • Facial skin flakes
  • In elderly people, the functioning of the immune system is impaired.

Vitamin B6 as a supplement

Vitamin B6 supplement is recommended for people showing deficiency of vitamin B6 and for persons with cardiovascular disease, insomnia, morning sickness, depressions, anxiety and PMS (post menstrual syndrome).

Excessive intake of the vitamin B6 may result in development of the kidney stones, a condition common with women. It is also argued that vitamin B6 is necessary in curing carpal tunnel syndrome.


Absorption of vitamin B6 in the intestines is carrier mediated processes, and the processes are wholly regulated by a number of conditions and factors and the regulation is in line with post – transcriptional and transcriptional mechanisms.


Contraception pills decreases the levels of vitamin B6 in the human body. Pregnant women are expected to take vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 also interacts with Vitamin B6 and form complexes.

It is advised to take vitamin B2 alongside magnesium in enhancing the absorption of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is also useful in the abortion of vitamin B3. It plays a critical role in the prevention of steroid hormonal diseases linked to prostrate and breast cancer. Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and the folate help in reducing cardiovascular disease.

Validity after extraction

Vitamin B6 has a 3 year shelf life when stored under proper conditions in original unopened packaging.

RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance)

Age mg
0-6 Months 0.1
7-12 months 0.3
1-3 years 0.5
4-8 years 0.6
9-13 years 1.0
14-18 years male 1.3
14-18 years female 1.2
19-50 years 1.5
51+ years male 1.7
51+ years female 1.5
Pregnant women 1.9
Lactating women 2.0

Best Served Methods

Vitamin B6 supplements are offered to people showing deficiency in vitamin B6, there are some conditions that contribute to the inadequacy in vitamin B6; the conditions are linked to liver disease, alcoholism, overactive thyroid and failure of the heart. Deficiency in vitamin B6 is also caused by some medications.

Side Effects

  • A feeling of Clumsiness
  • Numbness of feet or the hands

Other Benefits

Vitamin B6 is useful to the human body, it nourishes the neurotransmitters, this is the chemical that carries the signals within the human body through the nerve cells. Neurotransmitters are necessary for formal brain development and functioning. Vitami B6 enhances the hormones serotonin and the norepinephrine, which plays a role in mood influence and melatonin which regulates the body clock.

Vitamin B6 is useful in maintaining good health of the red blood cells, skin and the nerves. Vitamin B6 enhances proper functioning of the fats, sugars and proteins in the human body. Vitamin B6 is also required in proper development and growth of the nerves, brain and the skin among other parts in the body.