Vitamin C / Ascorbic Acid C 6 H 8 O 6

Vitamin C is also referred to as the ascorbic acid and it is abundant in fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C is highly soluble in water and acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin C is useful to the human body in maintaining and forming connective tissues , with the inclusion of the blood vessels, bones and the skin.

Benefits of Vitamin C Supplements

  • Vitamin C is useful in regenerating and repairing tissues
  • Protects the human body against heart diseases
  • Used in the absorption of iron
  • Helps in minimizing the level of cholesterol in the body
  • Prevents scurvy
  • Helps in managing triglycerides
  • Vitamin C is also used in preventing cancer
  • Used in managing the effects of nitrates
  • Vitamin C is also useful in helping the human body have enhanced immune system
  • Prevent cataracts
  • Reduces the effects of the common cold.

Dietary Supplements

Vitamin C supplements have the vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid, and research has shown that it has an equivalent bioavailability in an equal measure to the naturally occurring ascorbic acid in natural foods such as broccoli and the orange juice. Vitamin C is also obtained from calcium ascorbate and sodium ascorbate, bioflavonoids, dehydroascorbate, calcium lyxonate, calcium xylonite and calcium threonate.

Deficiency symptoms of Vitamin C are:

  • Fatigue
  • Joint and muscle aches
  • Muscle weakness
  • Leg lashes
  • Bleeding gums

RDA Recommended Daily Allowance

Children 0-6 Months 40 mg daily
Children 7-12 months 50 mg daily
Children 1-3 years 15 mg daily
Children 4-8 years 25 mg daily
Children 9-13 years 45 mg daily
Children 14-18 years 65 - 75 mg daily
Men 90 mg daily
Women 75 mg daily
Pregnant Women 85 mg daily
Breastfeeding Ladies 120 mg daily

Vitamin C is safe if taken as a supplement in the recommended doses, and the side effects are minimal. Healthy Bodies can take 200 mg to 250 mg of the vitamin C in a single day. Excessive intake of vitamin C is passed through urine. Intake for vitamin C increases when the body is recovering from injuries, when ill, and when the body is under increased oxidative stress such as smoking. Vitamin C increases absorption of lutein and iron, nevertheless, intake of huge amounts of vitamin C has an effect on the metabolism of vitamin B12.
Side effects of taking excessive Vitamin C is related to:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Gastritis
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Kidney stones