
Vitamin E is very useful in the human body, it is necessary in treating and preventing diseases linked to the blood vessels and heart. In addition, Vitamin E is used in the management of high blood pressure, chest pains, hardened arteries and blocked arteries.

Benefits of Vitamin E

  • Balances cholesterol
  • Prevents disease developments by fighting free radicals, it plays the role of antioxidant
  • Helps in repairing damaged skin
  • Useful in thickening hair
  • Balances hormones
  • Helps in managing PMS symptoms
  • Enhances vision
  • Management of the Alzheimer’s disease
  • Improves on medical treatments
  • Lowers risks of getting cancer
  • Enhances muscle strength and physical endurance
  • Useful in pregnancy
  • Vitamin E plays a critical function of the body organs, mainly in the neurological and enzymatic processes.


Recommended dietary allowance is a combination of the dietary intake and the vitamin E taken from the supplements.

Age Mg per day
1-3 years 6
4-8 years 7
9-13 years 11
Females 14 years 15
Females – pregnant 15
Breast Feeding 19
Males 14 + years 15

Tolerable upper intakes for Vitamin E are as follows, it is necessary in treating deficiency in vitamin E.

Years Mg per day
1-3 200
4-8 300
9-13 600
14-18 800
18 + years 1,000

Vitamin E is a fat soluble, and the supplements are best served when served with food. Deficiency in vitamin E, an indication of full intake in isomers is rare. Supplements in vitamin E are taken in dealing with deficiency in vitamin E.

Deficiency in vitamin E is caused by a number of factors; the first is in the relation to how the human body is absorbing the nutrients. Infants born prematurely have high chances of vitamin E deficiency. Vitamin E deficiency is also common with patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, the problem is also prevalent with people with cystic fibrosis, gastric bypass surgery, crohn’s disease and liver disease.

Symptoms of Vitamin E deficiency are linked to impaired vision, impaired speech and loss in coordination of muscles.

Side Effects of Vitamin E

Vitamin E is very essential to the human body; it is taken by mouth or applied to the skin directly. There are adverse reactions if taken in high doses, huge intake of vitamin E has been linked to complications in people with diabetes and heart diseases. Huge intake of vitamin E has also been associated with hemorrhagic stroke has been reported, it has also been linked to bleeding in the brains.

Supplements with high levels of Vitamin E have been associated with a number of health complications.

  • Heart failure with persons suffering from diabetes
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Complicating cancers of the neck head and prostrate
  • Excessive bleeding during and after surgery
  • Complicating health with people with stroke and heart attack
  • Complicating health with pregnant women due to congenital heart defects

High levels of vitamin E also results in

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Fatigue
  • General weakness
  • Headaches
  • Rashes
  • Blurred vision
  • Bruising
  • Bleeding
  • Interactions

Vitamin E slows down the rate of blood clotting hence can interact with medicines that enhance blood clotting, hence can encourage bleeding and bruising.

A medicine that lowers the levels of cholesterol also interacts with the vitamin E.